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The New Family Farm

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Welcome to The New Family Farm!

Here are some Notes about the site...

First of all: If you got the newsletter and were directed to this site, wonderful! Check it out, and email those Congressmen! The Forum is where you can share questions and comments with others, and check the Contact Us page if you have a question directed toward me. Thanks for visiting!

Secondly: I own everything on the site aside from the template. I own the "The New Family Farm" and Logo. Do not use without permission. (But by all means go and tell everyone about it, please! I would appreciate it if you did!)

And Lastly: I update the site as often as possible but there are bound to be mistakes. If you spot one please let me know :)

Check out the recent updates in the Blog, and discuss them in the Forum!

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What are user groups?
User groups are certain groups I may place you in depending on what you specifically are doing. For example, if you are a Circulator, you circulate petitions for me. If you are a Farmer, you have gathered information for me in the past. The point of user groups is so that if a circulator on the site has a question, they don't accidentaly ask someone who lives in Alabama and can't help them.

Once I am in the forum, how do I get out?
You get out by hitting the main button at the way top.

Are Chickens Noisy?
Hens Arnt, Roosters Are. Most people will have Hens and no roosters. You still get eggs.
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